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Lulav & Etrog Order 5785

Premium sets of Lulavim & Etrogim are $65 each
Bundles of Skhakh are $12.00 each

To ensure timely delivery for Sukkot, all orders must be placed by Friday, September 20.

Join Beth El Synagogue in supporting our brothers and sisters in Israel. This year we are partnering with the Chessed Etrog Project to purchase our sets of Lulavim & Etrogim! By ordering a set, you will beautify the mitzvah of the Etrog AND contribute to a worthy cause. Join us in supporting this meaningful project.

All profits go towards the Gaza Periphery farmers who have been severely impacted by the events of this past year. You can learn more about this partnership HERE


Sat, September 28 2024 25 Elul 5784